Monday, April 18, 2011

More Visitors

On Saturday, I welcomed Raewyn and Kristen, the staff of the BCF's Toronto office, to Trashiyangtse.

I made spicy spaghetti casserole for them but some of my teacher friends felt that that was insufficient and so volunteered to prepare kewa datse, fiddleheads, rice, and dahl to go with it. It became quite a feast! I feel incredibly guilty over how small my share of the work was:

There were nine diners: Raewyn, Kristen, Nima, and Rinzin from the BCF and Devi, Dawa, Deki, Sonam, and myself from TYLSS. I had a marvellous time, and I think everyone else did, too.

The next morning, I took the Canadians on my favourite hike. It was a perfectly clear day so they could see my once-in-a-while mountains.

They made it all the way to the lookout. It felt cool to show them my whole town with a single swipe of my hands. I love having company and they were especially great company to have.


  1. I'm sure they enjoyed their visit as much as you enjoyed having them. Love, Mom M

  2. So great to get a visit in Kendra. I have to say...I think Trashiyangtse might have been my favorite stop! Shhhh! Don't tell anyone else :)
